Display Advertising & Retargeting / Remarketing2021-05-20T18:59:40+00:00

Display Advertising & Retargeting / Remarketing

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Display Advertising

The secret to reaching real prospects is to advertise where your target audience spends time online.

Online display advertising offer opportunities to reach audiences with multiple ads formats (text, image, interactive, video). Display advertising on highly relevant, quality industry sites is another option to stand out and get your message in front of the right audience.

Two women side by side looking at a laptop screen representing display advertising.
Woman using a laptop computer at home representing display advertising and remarketing

Get more leads and create awareness

One of the greatest advantages of display ads is its visibility to a highly targeted audience. With retargeting, display advertising can be leveraged to reach prospects who have demonstrated behavior signaling they are a highly qualified prospect for your business.

  • More phone calls.
  • More form submissions.
  • More content downloads.
  • More online purchases.

We can help you develop display advertising campaigns to build awareness and drive leads:

  • Select and fully leverage: Google Display Network, Microsoft Advertising and/or quality industry websites.

  • Create effective ads in multiple formats: text, image, interactive, video.

  • Customize ads for desktop, laptop, tablet & smartphone.

  • Target ads to specific demographics, geographic locations and/or search histories.

  • Develop specific audiences for remarketing.

  • Direct ads to new prospects or remarket to prospects who have previously visited your website.

  • Continually track, optimize and manage campaigns.

Our goal is to help you launch campaigns quickly, get the most out of your ad spend and improve your marketing and advertising ROI.

We can provide digital marketing expertise that contributes to top-line revenue growth at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time employee. Call us at 443.475.0787 or fill out the form below for a free consultation.


Increase Leads

Effective display advertising and remarketing provides prospects with an offer that is closely tied to their interests.

Build Awareness

Effective display advertising and remarketing gets your message in front of a high volume of highly qualified prospects.

Higher Conversion Rates

Effective display advertising leverages closely-aligned keywords, ad copy and landing page content to get interested prospects to convert.

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The positive results shown in the graph below illustrate the impact of optimizing a paid search campaign for only those keywords that are most likely to convert into sales. A well-optimized paid search campaign that includes ongoing management of negative match keyword terms will yield a higher ROAS, or more sales, for a reduced budget.

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